
NavdDoomConductor - Precise Geolocation and Time

Leveraging free, I continues my search for file structure containing the key “latitude”. I stumbled across an intriguing file called and this blog writes up the how and what of locating and understanding this forensic artifact.

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Discover New Forensic Evidence with File Structure Analysis

Forensic analysts can discover new evidence in their existing acquisitions by searching through known file structures for responsive artifact/data types leveraging the free forensic tool ftree.

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HOWTO decrypt iOS 10 backups with iphone-dataprotection

This is the third post in a blog series describing how analysts can decrypt iOS 10 and later backups that are encrypted. In this post, we examine the venerable iphone-dataprotection tools developed in 2011 by Jean-Baptiste Bedrune and Jean Sigwald of Sogeti/ESEC.

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HOWTO decrypt iOS 10+ backups with irestore

This is the second post in a blog series describing how analysts can decrypt iOS 10 and later backups that are encrypted. These techniques assume you know the password and do not implement brute force password cracking. The first tool we examine is iRestore by Steve Dunham.

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HOWTO decrypt iOS 10 backups with open source tools

This is the first post in a blog series describing how analysts can decrypt iOS 10 and later backups that are encrypted. These techniques assume you know the password and do not implement brute force password cracking. The first tool we examine is iRestore by Steve Dunham.

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